4 Reading Comprehension
Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below:
Q1. People believe that poverty is a bad thing. But a middle class man lives more
happily and satisfactorily in life than any rich man. Rich people always depend on
Reading Comprehension II
servants and therefore have no independent outlook. But & middle class man is free
born in poor families
from helplessness of jealousy which the rich have to face. Most of the great men were
(a) What do people believe ?
(b) Why do rich people have no independent outlook ?
(c) How does a middle class man live?
(d) Write the antonym of ‘poor’ from the possage.
(c) Most of the great men were born in …… families.(poor/rich)
(a) People believe that poverty is a bad thing.
(b) Rich people always depend on servants and therefore have no independent
(c) A middle class man lives more happily and satisfactorily in life.
(d) rich.
(e) poor.
Q2. Today many varieties of tea are available in the market. A new thing is the tea bag
that is easy and less messy than traditional ways of brewing tea. Green tea is popular in
China and Far East In Japan, the tea ceremony is a traditional way of greeting guests
and is a social occasion. Unlike the tea we are familiar with, green tea is not drunk
with sugar or milk. It is an olive-coloured liquid served in porcelain cups. In Morocco,
green tea is infused with freshly plucked min
Questions :
(a) Which is the traditional way of greeting guests in Japan ?
(b) What is the speciality of green tea ?
(c) The traditional way is a quick and a less messy way of brewing tea.
(d) Green tea is popular in :
(i) England, (ii) China and Far East,
(iii) India, (iv)Japan.
(e) How is green tea consumed in Morocco ?
Answers :
(a) In Japan, the tea ceremony is a traditional way of greeting guests.
(b) Green tea is not drunk with sugar or milk.
(c) False.
(d) (ii) China and Far East.
(e) In Morocco, green tea is consumed by infusing it with freshly plucked mint.
Q3. The landmark historical monument ‘Charminar’ located in Hyderabad is an
impressive and beautiful square monument with each side having a pointed high minaret.
It derives its name from these four gratefully carved minarets.
Each minaret has four storeys, each looking like a delicately carved ring around
the minaret. Every side opens into a plaza through giant arches, which overlook four
major thoroughfares and dwarf other features of building except the minarets.
(a) Where is the Charminar located ?
ih) What structures are there on the each side of the monument ?
(e) How many storeys does ench minaret have ?
(I)Four (ii) Three.
(iii) Five, (iv) Six
(d) Where does every side of the minarels open ?
(e) Give the noun form of ‘impressive.
Answers !
(a) The Charminar is located in Hyderabad
(b) Each side has a pointed high minaret.
(e) 0 Four
(d) Every side of the minarets opens into a plaza through giant arches.
(e) impression
Q4. If you try and lose, then it isn’t your fault. But if you don’t try and you lose,
then it is all your fault. We all know that hard work is the key to success. Anything one
wants to achieve requires consistent hard work. For some, hard work is not an option
but a necessity for all of us. If a student has a purpose he/she must work accordingly
otherwise he/she can’t achieve success. Same is true for all human beings. Consistent
hard work with a purpose and plan will ensure success for us.
Questions :
(a) What is the key to success ?
(b) What is hard work for some ?
(C) If a student has a purpose, he/she must work accordingly otherwise …..
(Fill in the blank)
(d) When is it not your fault?
(e) Give the noun form of ‘lose
Answers :
(a) Hard work is the key to success.
(b) For some, hard work is not an option but a necessity.
(c) he/she can’t achieve success.
(d) If you try and lose, then it isn’t your fault.
(e) loss
Q5. Mc Lamb is reminded of his hive of bees that he has to tend to. He says tha
some people feel bees buzz, but he believes that the bees sing. Thus, Mr. Lamb wants
to drive home the point that it is the attitude that shapes a man.
Derek says that he does’nt like being near people, especially when he knows tha
they are afraid of him. At this point, Mr. Lamb narrates the story of a timid man, wh-
refused to come out of his house because he feared that he will be a victim of som
fatal accident.
(a) What does Lamb say about the buzzing of the bees?
(b) What does Mr. Lamb want to drive home the point?
(c) What does Derek say?
(d) A timid man refused to come out of his house because he feared that he will
be a victim of:
(i) some unknown person(ii) some stray animal,
(iii) some fatal accident,(iv) None of these
(e) Write the word from the passage, which is opposite in meaning to agreed’
Answers :
(a) He says that some people feel bees buzz, but he believes that the bees sing
(b) Mr. Lamb wants to drive home the point that it is the attitude that shapes aman.
(c) Derek says that he doesn’t like being near people, especially when he knows
that they are afraid of him.
(d) (ii) some fatal accident.
(e) refused.
Q6. Water is very essential for us. We should not waste it. Because of short rainfalls,
droughts and overuse of water, it has become scarce. In the coming years, the problem
may become serious. For this, we must save every drop of water. We should collect rain
water on roof-tops and store rain water in underground tanks. Further some measures
are to be adopted to save water. We must turn off taps while brushing teeth, collect
water after washing fruits, vegetables and cereals and use it for gardening. Overuse of
bore wells should be stopped. Vehicles must be washed with water in bucket and not
by tap. We should reuse water after washing clothes, utensils etc.
Questions :
(a) Why has water become scarce ?
(b) What should we do for this?
(i) Use water lavishly,
(ii) Save every drop of water,
(iii) Overuse bore wells,
(iv) Not reuse water.
(c) How must vehicles be washed ?
(d) What are the further suggestions for the use of water ?
(e) Give the antonym of ‘drought’.
Answers :
(a) Because of short ranifalls, droughts and overuse of water, it has become
(b) (ii) Save every drop of water.
(c) Vehicles must be washed with water in bucket and not by tap.
(d) We should reuse the water after washing clothes, vegetables etc.
(e) flood.
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