5 Letter Writing
(Formal Informal)

1. Write a letter to your father requesting him to
Letter to Father
16. cay Martial Colony
Bhopak (M.P.)
Died 16th sept., 20…
Respected Father
High regards. We are well and everything is fine here. We hope you als
well and fine there.
Yesterday I received your letter. I am studying hard. I hope to make a gre
I have to buy some books and the fee for the first te is also be deposit se
am in need of 1,000. Please send the amount through NEFT.
Pappu and Neelu miss you a lot Greetings from matter
Your loving on
2. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to come and spend some days during summer vacations with you.
Letter to Friend
16. Shubham Colony
Distt Narsinghpur, M.p.
Dated 15th April, 20…
My dear Madhu
Namaste, I hope you are well and fine there. I am also quite fline on agad
that you are making good progress.
Received your letter two days ago. Your examinations are one. Mine will finish
26th April. I request you to spend some days of summer vacations with a Themen many beautiful places here to see. We shall also visit many picnic spots.
Please do come.
Yous as
Mienta khare
3. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony
of your brother/sister.
You are Anupam, residing at 10/9, GoldenPark, Gwalior. The marriage ofyour sister is to take place next week. Write a letter to your friend Amogh invitinghim to attend it.
Letter to Friend
10/9, Golden Park,
Gwalior (M.P.)
Dated 7th March, 20…
My dear Amogh,
I hope you are well and fine there. You will be glad to know that my elder brother/
sister is going to be married next week on 14th March, 20………… I invite you to attend
the function. Invitation card has been sent. Please come as early as possible to assist me.
Waiting for you
Yours sincerely,
4. Write a letter to your friend, congratulating him on his success in th eexamination.
Letter to Friend
15, Kabir Marg,
Nisarpur (Dhar) M.P.
Dated 6th June, 20…
Dear Dinesh,
Heartiest congratulations to you. I am glad that you have achieved brilliant success
in the High School Examination. I saw your name in the merit list. We all were very
happy to hear the news. You will have to throw a nice dinner party to our friends when
you come here.
Please inform me about your arrival..
Yours truly,
Raghu Nath Joshi.
5. Write a letter to your friend inviting him on your birthday party.
Letter to Friend
17, L.B.S. Marg.
Jabalpur (M.P.)
Dated 26th March, 20…
Dear Anurag,
I hope you are quite well and fine there. I have received your letter inviting me to
spend some days with you and your family during summer vacations. Thanks a lot for
this kind gesture. I shall inform you about this later.
Presently I am inviting you to attend my birthday party on 3rd April. Many of our
friends have given their consent to come on this day. We shall enjoy the company of one
another. It will be great fun. Inform me about the date of your arrival.
Yours as ever,
6. We a letter your friend thanking her for this is day present
18. Nors Nagar
Dear Ant
I hope you doing wens When I posms of use pret me on my birthday, I say to feel presby you. There you lose ghen me is so beautiful that I find no words to express my joy I heartily thank you very much for this birthday present. It shows how deeply you love me
Thanking you again and again
Yours truly,
Anukriti Khare
7. You are Vijay Verma, living at H. No. 60, Pallavai Nagar, Bhopal. Writeletter to your friend, Budri, telling him about your summer holiday programInvite him to your house to join you.
Vijay Verma
H. No. 60, Pallavi Nagar
10 Feb, 20…
Dear Budri.
I hope you are doing well there. I am fine here. I have prepared a plan to vist Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Ajmer and Udaipur during this summer vacation. I heartily wish that you also join this tour which will be enjoying and educating. So do come to my house on 10th May 20….. We shall start our journey from 15th May 20… and will be coming back in a fortnight.
Please confirm by replying to this letter as soon as possible.
Give my regards to your parents.
Yours sincerely,
Vijay Verma
(II) Formal Letters
1. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him to grantyou leave for two days on account of illness.
The Principal,
Govt. Boys H. S. School,
Mandsaur (M. P.)
Subject: Application for leave
Respectfully, I beg to state that I have been suffering from fever since last night. I
am unable to attend the school. Kindly grant me leave for two days from 20th September
to 21st September
Dated 20.9.20…
Yours obediently
Naresh Tiwari
2. You are Poornima, a student of Class IX in Govt. School of Excellence, KatalWrite an application to the Superintendent of Police about the nuisance caused bythe use of loudspeakers.
10, Ramdas Nagar,
19th April, 20…
Superintendent of Police,
I want to draw your itention to the methoden lectent of Govt School of Ecellence, Kopping for the feet IX of MP Roard Trisch time when all the students are ydwy and secure for the upcoming Board Examination. The se depende toon the their time and concentration of the mind. It is regretful that may de not realise the importance of this time for students. They enw folii odpeakers at their highest pitch to celebrate every sin that comes wind
The result is that we are unable to make preparation in this way
I therefore, request your to impose a ban on the w of de kans during the
time of Board Examinations and punish those who are found guilty
Tharing you
Yours fub
All the inhabitants of your locality are facing the problem of frequent
breakdown of water and electricity supply. Draft a letter to the editor of a newspaper
discussing the above stated problems.
30. Ramdas Nagar
10th August, 20…
The Editor
Swaraj Times,
Subject: Regarding the breakdown of water and electricity supply
Dear Sir,
I wish to draw your attention towards the frequent breakdown of electricity and
water supply in Ramdas Nagar for over a month. There is no water and electricity
supply in this area for several hours. We are never sure when we shall have water or
electricity. They may fail any time during the day
The residents have complained to the concerned authorities several times but all
has been in vain.
I take the privilege of urging the authorities through your esteemed daily to be kind enought to ensure regular water and electricity supply in the area.
Thinking You
Yours faithfully,
All inhabitants
4. Write a letter to the Distriot Health Officer drawing his attention to the
Insanitary conditions prevalling in your locality.
33/125, Morsali Gali,
Bhopal (MP)
September 6, 20…
The Health Officer,
Bhopal Municipal Corporation,
Subject: Regarding insanitary conditions
I wish to draw your attention to the prevailing Insanitary conditions in our locality
Both ently in the morning and late in the evening, men, women and children of the
village sit on both the sides of the road to excrete night-soil The entire adjoining Me
presents a horrible right to the morning walkers. It becomes very difficult to breathe
air surcharged with foul smell
Apart from that, the sweepers employed by the Corporation bring several truckload
of garbage and rubbish everyday from different parts of the city and dump it near
locality. Thus, the entire locality looks hell.
I have lodged several complaints with the sanitary inspectors of the area but he
took no action. I am afraid, if this state of affairs continues for a few days more, it will
lead to an epidemic here.
My earnest request to you, therefore, is that you should take personal interest in this
matter and do something substantial immediately to save the precious lives of citizens
Yours faithfully,
Rohit Saini
5. Write a letter to the General Manager, M.P. Rond Transport Corporation,
about the bad behaviour of a bus conductor.
Sector-A, Tilak Colony Indore.
The General Manager
M.P. Road Transport Corporation
Indore/Transport Officer
Dist. Indore
Subject: Regarding bad behaviour of a bus conductor
Dear Sir,
With due respect, I wish to draw your attention regarding the bad behaviour of a bus
conductor named Mohan Sharma. I am a college student and I daily travel by bus. The
above-mentioned bus conductor misbehaves with passengers. He does not issue ticket
to all the passengers and collects bus fare. He also speaks very rudely. If any passenger
opposes him, he begins to fight and threatens him to get down.
Therefore, I request you to kindly take some action against him.
Thanking You
Yours sincerely
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